Art and photography books

A cover and a spread of the book Kekkonen.

Matti Hagelberg

  • Publisher and reproduction Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava
  • Graphic designer, illustrator, cover and binding designer Mr Matti Hagelberg
  • Printing house and binder Otavan Kirjapaino Oy
A cover of the book Inughuit.

Tiina Itkonen

  • Publisher and printing house Libris Oy
  • Graphic designer, cover and binding designer Mr Juha Nenonen and Ms Tiina Itkonen
  • Photographer Ms Tiina Itkonen
  • Reproduction Mr Petri Kuokka / Aarnipaja Ky
  • Binder RT-Print Oy
A cover and a spread of the book Archipelago.

Pentti Sammallahti

  • Publisher Kustantamo Opus
  • Graphic designer, cover and binding designer, photographer and reproduction Mr Pentti Sammallahti
  • Printing house Erweko Painotuote Oy
  • Binder Kirjansitomo Rihto Ky
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