Jukka Itkonen
Krokotiili hikoaa
Published by Kirjapaja / Kustannus Oy Kotimaa
Graphic design and illustration Matti Pikkujämsä
Printed, bound and reproduced by Saarijärven Offset Oy

Reetta Niemelä - Salla Savolainen
Sinisen kärpäsen sirkus
Published by Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava
Graphic design Maija Vallinoja
Illustration Salla Savolainen
Reproduced by Aste Kirjat Oy
Printed and bound by Otavan Kirjapaino Oy

Ulf Stark - Linda Bondestam
Published by Söderströms Published by
Graphic design and illustration Linda Bondestam
Reproduced by Keski-Suomen sivu
Printed and bound by Kariston Kirjapaino Oy

P.L. Traves
Maija Poppanen
Published by WSOY
Graphic design Réka Király
Illustration Marika Maijala
Reproduced by Aste Kirjat Oy
Printed and bound by Bookwell Oy

Katja Tukiainen
Kisun 1,2,3
Published by Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava
Graphic design and illustration Katja Tukiainen
Reproduced by Aste Kirjat Oy
Printed and bound by Otavan Kirjapaino Oy