Paavo Castrén (toim.)
Domus Pompeiana. Talo Pompejissa
Published by Otava Publishing Company
Graphic design, jacket and binding design Anni Nykänen
Reproduced by Mika Seppälä
Printed and bound by Otava Book Printing
Paper Edixion 140 g/m2
Font and font size Minion 11/14, Apollonia

Gunilla Donner - Annika Luther
Hur fint som helst. Framnäs kokbok
Published by Söderströms Förlag
Graphic and binding design Otto Donner, Jenni Erkintalo
Photography and reproduced by Niklas Ekman
Jacket design Otto Donner, Jenni Erkintalo, Niklas Ekman
Printed by Nord Print
Bound by Baltic Graphics
Paper Munken Polar 140 g/m2
Font and font size Fowrier, The Sans

Esa Laaksonen - Ásdis Ólafsdóttir
Alvar Aalto Architect - Maison Louis Carré 1956-63. Osa 20 Alvar Aalto monografia -sarjasta
Published by Alvar Aalto Foundation / Alvar Aalto Academy
Graphic design, jacket and binding design Teppo Järvinen. Jenni Reuter designed the layout for the book series
Illustration and photography several photo editors
Printed by Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy
Paper Stora Enso G-Print 150 g/m2
Font and font size Garamond 3 10,5/12 pt; The Sans

Frithiof Pontén
Klassisen kreikan alkeisoppikirja. Suomeksi toimittanut Erkki Sironen
Published by Gaudeamus
Graphic design, jacket and binding design Petri Latvala
Printed and bound by Kariston Kirjapaino Oy
Paper Munken Print Cream 90 g/m2
Font and font size Teff Trinité no.2 (12 pt), Monotype New Hellenic Greek (12 pt), CC Mantinia (28 pt); 15 pt

Anna Muurinen
Postimerkkivuosi 2008
Published by Itella Oyj, Postimerkkikeskus
Graphic design, jacket and binding design dog design
Printed and reproduced by Lönnberg Print
Bound by WS Bookwell Oy
Paper jacket: Geltex Nova Offset Gx-122-LS; inside pages: Arctic Volume High White 150 g/m2
Font and font size Arno Pro/Regular, 10/11,6 pt; VAG Rounded/Thin

Cita Reuter (red.) - Maire Gullichsen
Regnbågsfärger, mörka stänk. Minnesvandringar 1907-1928
Published by The Society of Swedish Literature in Finland
Graphic design, jacket and binding design Anders Carpelan
Reproduced by Alregi / Jari Rimpinen
Printed by Nord Print
Bound by Baltic Graphics
Paper Multi Art Matt 120 g/m2
Font and font size Bembo 11,7/15,8 pt, Estilo Script, Priori Sans

Mari Savio - Kati Rapia
Maja. Mielikuvituksellinen lastenhuonekirja
Published by WSOY
Graphic design, illustration, jacket and binding design Jussi Karjalainen
Reproduced by WSOY Studio
Printed and bound by WS Bookwell Oy
Paper Arctic Volume 150 g/m2
Font and font size Clarendon 13/16 pt

Jussi Suomala
Howard Smith
Published by Like Publishing
Graphic design, jacket and binding design Timo Numminen
Photography most photographs from the Howard Smith photograph archives
Reproduced by Kari Lahtinen
Printed and bound by Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy
Paper Munken Lynx 150 g/m2
Font and font size Egyptienne 8,6 /12,5 pt, Caecilia 6,8/8,5 pt

Juha Varto
The Art of Craft of Beauty
Published by University of Art and Design Helsinki
Graphic design, jacket and binding design Arja Karhumaa
Reproduced by TPT Repro Oy
Printed and bound by Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy
Paper Munken Cream 115 g/m2
Font and font size Goudy Old Style 37/37 pt

Anne Veinola (editor)
Finnish Design Yearbook '08-09
Published by Design Forum Finland
Graphic design, jacket and binding design dog design
Illustration Eeva Sivula / dog design
Photography theme photographs by Eriksson & Company; other photographs by companies and designers
Printed and reproduced by Lönnberg Painot Oy
Bound by WS Bookwell Oy
Paper Scandia 2000 White 150 g/m2
Font and font size Mrs Eaves 11 pt, URW Grotesk