I. K. Inha
Lähetyssaarnaaja - Kertomus Etelämeren saarelta
- Published by Sémiosquare
- Graphic design Jorma Hinkka / Graafiset Neliöt Oy
- Photography Martti Jämsä, Ateljee Daniel Nyblin
- Reproduced by Johnny Korkman, Jorma Hinkka
- Printed by Aldus Oy
- Bound by Esko Salonen / Mestarinkirja
- Paper Munken Pure 150 g/m2
- Typeface Bembo
A design conscious of tradition pays its respects to the era of author-photographer I. K. Inha (1865-1930) in a subdued but stylish way. As a book this is a special object of art. Marbling matched in shade with calico makes each book unique. If only the uncompromising high quality of binding had extended to the cover belt.

Alexandra Salmela
- Published by Teos Publishers
- Graphic design Jenni Saari
- Photography Alexandra Salmela
- Printed and bound by Bookwell Oy
- Paper Enso Creamy 1.8 70 g/m2
- Typeface Macula, Tribute, Adobe Garamond Pro
A collage-like novel combines fearlessly several styles and reflects various visual layers of modern culture. A manifestation of the select style, the cover reveals itself in layers and carries an element of surprise. Under a somber dustjacket lives a static noise that pulls one in with a biting contrast.

Georges Simenon
Maigret - Kootut kertomukset
- Published by Teos Publishers
- Graphic design Dog Design
- Cover design Ilona Ilottu / Dog Design
- Printed and bound by Bookwell Oy
- Paper Enso Creamy 1.8 70 g/m2
- Typeface Garamond Premier Pro
True classics deserve a proper setting. The pipe cut in cover calico and its smoke saying “Maigret”: at the same time simple, clear and concentrated. Typesetting in both front and back cover is elegant, typography adds to the reading pleasure throughout.