Kaiken maailman eläinsadut
- Published by Otava Publishing Company Ltd.
- Graphic design and illustration Matti Pikkujämsä
- Reproduced by Aste Kirjat Oy
- Printed and bound by Otava Book Printing Ltd.
- Paper Edixion 140 g/m2
- Typeface Platin
Putting all the world’s animal fairytales in one volume is a wonderful idea. The book has a beautiful and easy-to-read typography. The work contains enough handsome whole-page illustrations to create an overall modern look. The delectable vignettes and ingenious initial letters nicely complete the illustrations. The opening spreads of the main chapters make for a beautiful and uncluttered structure.

Aino Havukainen - Sami Toivonen
Tatun ja Patun avaruusseikkailu
- Published by Otava Publishing Company Ltd.
- Graphic design and illustration Aino Havukainen, Sami Toivonen
- Printed and bound by Otava Book Printing Ltd.
- Paper Novatech Easy Matt 150 g/m2
- Typeface Veljovic Book
Tatu and Patu is not only an illustration success story but also an ingeniously put together series of children’s books. The books credits include a multi-layered visualization, artistic perception and fun info-graphics. The two-page-spreads are skillfully laid out totalities lacking in neither pace nor humour. The child’s view takes pride of place but adults will enjoy it too.

Minna Lindeberg
Allan och Udo
- Published by Söderströms
- Graphic design and illustration Linda Bondestam
- Printed, bound and reproduced by Kariston Kirjapaino Oy
- Paper Munken 150 g/m2
- Typeface Old Baskerville Regular, Richard Murrey
An hilariously anarchistic work. Renaissance-like in spirit, the flower pattern of the inside cover combined with the fiendish collages make the work fascinating in its unconventionality. One can imagine the book’s nursery rhythms interesting both child and adult alike.

Zacharias Topelius - Aleksander Lindeberg
Muurahainen joka lähti lääkäriin
- Published by WSOY
- Graphic design Martti Ruokonen
- Reproduced by Aste Kirjat Oy
- Printed and bound by Bookwell Oy
- Paper G-Print Matt 170 g/m2
- Typeface Melior Medium
The book is a warm-hearted children’s classic whose new Finnish translation and reinforced calico spine will stand the test of time. The spreads, double page and more, captivating illustrations and a typography with a nod to the 60’s feel modern again.