Juha Hurme
Nyljetyt ajatukset
- Published by Teos Publishers
- Graphic design Jenni Saari
- Printed and bound by Bookwell Oy
- Paper Enso Creamy 70g/m21.8
- Typeface Brandon Grotesque, Adobe Jenson Pro
Peculiar tale of a rowing trip is in a sense a novel, in another perhaps not, in a sense a work of nonfiction, then perhaps not. The same diversity and multi-facetedness is reflected in the appearance. On the cover the calm elements such as horizon, the boat, and different shades of gray are contradicted with letters and arrows, pointing out that the book is not without surprises and stingers. The first opening contains a map of the journey, and obviously we need an index too.

Markku Paasonen
Pienet kalat syövät suuria kaloja
- Published by Teos Publishers
- Graphic design Iira Oivo
- Printed and bound by Bookwell Oy
- Paper Munken Lynx 100g/m2
- Typeface Abril Text, Abril Display, Abril Fatface
Matte-surfaced, blue-green calico cover with gleaming blue metal foil is beautiful and water-like. Schools of fishes stylished in cute rows is a delight. Calm still carries on in the inside typography, well-balanced margins and harmonious columns. Back cover text is about shooting a person in cold blood. Contrast created awakens one’s curiosity.

Susanne Ringell
- Published by Schildts & Söderströms
- Graphic design Emma Strömberg
- Cover design Sanna Mander
- Printed and bound by Bookwell Oy
- Paper Ensolux Cream 80g/m2
- Typeface Neuton
The cover is hand-lettered. Cover illustration and the beautiful chapter vignettes create an atmosphere of intimacy. This is a light and luring book on Helsinki, beautiful as a Macaroon.

Juan Rulfo
Pedro Páramo - Tasanko liekeissä
- Published by Siltala Publishing
- Graphic design Jussi Karjalainen
- Printed and bound by Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda Oü
- Paper Munken Premium Cream 100g/m2 1.3
- Typeface Linotype Didot, Franklin Gothic, Minion
The sun-yellow and grass-green of the flyleaf create a surprising tension with the terra colours of the dustjacket and the dramatic horse pictures inside. The entity is crowned with a horse-tail growing from the headband, created through black triangles varying in size; a simple invention asking for no extra material resources and a model example of the resourcefulness of the designer. There is also hair separating the short stories from the novel in the book.