Konsta Punkka
Animal Portraits
- Published by Other Group
- Graphic design Heidi Gabrielsson
- Photography Konsta Punkka
- Reproduced by Petri Kuokka / Aarnipaja
- Printed by Kirjapaino Markprint Oy
- Bound by Finnreklama Oy
- Paper Edixion 170 g/m2
- Typeface Zeit
In modern culture a wild animal is rarely portrayed as an individual. The intimate portraits of Animal Portraits make an exception, giving the lead role to our unique fine, noble and cute co-habitants. The book plays with the traditions of portraiture, be it the direct gaze of the animal towards the camera, or the typography with vignettes. Quality paper and airy layout, stylish black and white on cover, and sombre approach through the spreads fascinate.

Maija Tammi – Ville Tietäväinen
Immortal. Lost Memoirs of Cornelia Dulac Concerning the Freshwater Polyp Hydra
- Published by Aalto ARTS Books
- Graphic design and illustration Ville Tietäväinen
- Photography Maija Tammi
- Reproduced by Asko Rokala
- Printed and bound by Printon AS
- Paper Napura Bamboa, Munken Polar 150 g/m2
- Typeface Adobe Caslon
The book is a hybrid combining science, art and visual storytelling, resonating strongly with our day and age. The leading character is Cornelia Dulac, biologist who disappeared in 2014, and her research of Hydra, immortal freshwater polyp. Authors draw both from her results and her inner world, skillfully combining photography with drawing and creating a visually impressive journey to the eternal question of mortality and immortality. Deep blue cover offers a haptic experience.

Pauliina Heinänen
Kotimatkalla – På väg hem
- Published by Self-published
- Graphic design and illustration Pauliina Heinänen
- Reproduced by Petri Kuokka / Aarnipaja
- Printed and bound by Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda Oü
- Paper Munken Lynx 150 g/m², Key Colours Pastel Green 120 g/m², Key Colours Recycled Chalk 120 g/m²
- Typeface Vollkorn, Alegreya Sans
Inside the box of memories are two separate books, two intertwining life stories. These touching books combine the war-child past of author’s grandparents through photographs, interviews, letters and archive material. Balanced colours, magnificent pictorial, beautiful print quality, small details in typography, quality materials and binding create a form reflecting the precious content.

Mari Vehkalahti
- Published by Self-published
- Graphic design, illustration and reproduced by Mari Vehkalahti
- Printed, reproduced and bound by Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda Oü
- Paper Munken Polar 130 g/m2
- Typeface EB Garamond 12 All SC, Garamond Premier Pro
Between the covers is a book braiding together memories, unsharp on the edges, through stylised photographs and snippets of text. Restricted grey scheme is refined, and the flower ribbon around the book reminds of summer. Soft white cover nearly eats up the relief spot varnish.