Ilja Karsikas
Amos ja sumupuu
- Published and reproduced by Etana Editions
- Graphic design Jenni Erkintalo, Réka Király
- Illustration Ilja Karsikas
- Printed and bound by Livonia Print
- Paper Amber Graphic 200g
- Typeface Arno Pro
When dad vanishes into the fog tree the colour scheme turn from the brightest orange into the grey. Use of additional colour and the contrast support the story. A controlled, stylish entity.

Sanna Mander
- Published by Schildts & Söderströms
- Graphic design and illustration Sanna Mander
- Printed and bound by Oy Nord Print Ab
- Paper Munken Lynx 150g, Geltex Y
- Typeface Futura
This book about many odd tenants in a tower-block of flats is pleasantly tall and narrow. Every spread opens a door to a new, unexpected apartment. Book oozes sense of amazement all the way to its striped headband.

Leena Parkkinen - Jussi Karjalainen
Pikkuveli ja mainio harharetki
- Published by Teos Publishers
- Graphic design and illustration Jussi Karjalainen
- Printed and bound by Otavan Kirjapaino Oy
- Paper Munken Lynx
- Typeface Minion
Format narrow and tall decides the shape of the illustrations in this book. Full-page graphics with wild and zany characters and colours excite. Colourful vignettes and initials burst out of the text column.

Anja Portin - Aino-Maija Metsola
Ava ja oikukas trumpetti
- Published by WSOY
- Graphic design and illustration Aino-Maija Metsola
- Reproduced by Keski-Suomen Sivu Oy
- Printed and bound by Livonia Print
- Paper Munken Lynx 150g
- Typeface Baskerville 10 Pro, hand lettering
The outlook of the book rings and resonates with the story. Aquarelle illustrations wake up and glow tenderly on warm-white paper. Text matter rests well in the space around illustrations and hand-written onomatopoeia slides in effortlessly.